Your showroom online…
Traditional car sales and new mobility concepts are shifting more and more to online environments with new generations. At the very least, a potentially interested person will already look online for a new or used car. This is possible via the importer’s site, via car portals, but it would be much better if you, as a car company, keep the visitor within your own site. Every moment a lead moves elsewhere is a chance that the lead will not become your customer.

Meets your (customers) wishes perfectly
We make it possible to integrate a perfect CarConfigurator into your own site, provided with current car data for all your brand(s). And not only the prices, but also available options and accessories, rims and colours (with photo of the car in the chosen colour). With intuitive search and filter options as you know from many successful internet stores. You can have your visitor make a quote request, lease calculation or order for the assembled car, exactly what you want.

It is possible as well to run a CarConfigurator with your brands on tablets in your showroom, events or fairs. Requests arrive directly in your mailbox or are linked to your DMS system via XML. The follow-up is up to you!
Online showroom
Lead generator
All brands, models and types
Always up-to-date data
Inclusive of Options, optionpackages and accessories
WLTP Connector
AutoDisk for car companies
Car Data PLUS
Mobility supply and demand are increasingly shifting to online environments. The basis for all other conceivable applications is reliable and up-to-date car data. You, your customers and we can rely on this every day. All brands, models, types, options, colors and accessories are available.
The basis is AutoDisk Car Data PLUS!
Car data PLUSOnline CarConfigurator
Traditional car sales and new mobility concepts are increasingly shifting to online environments with new generations. At the very least, a potentially interested party will already look for a new or used car online. This can be done via the importer’s site or via car portals, but it would be much better if you, as a car company, kept the visitor within your own site. Every moment a lead moves elsewhere is a chance that the lead will not become your customer.
Online CarConfiguratorAutoDisk for car companies
Mobility supply and demand are increasingly shifting to online environments. The basis for all other conceivable applications is reliable and up-to-date car data. You, your customers and we can rely on this every day. All brands, models, types, options, colors and accessories are available.
The basis is AutoDisk Car Data PLUS!
Car data PLUSTraditional car sales and new mobility concepts are increasingly shifting to online environments with new generations. At the very least, a potentially interested party will already look for a new or used car online. This can be done via the importer’s site or via car portals, but it would be much better if you, as a car company, kept the visitor within your own site. Every moment a lead moves elsewhere is a chance that the lead will not become your customer.
Online CarConfiguratorQuestions about our car company modules?
The question is to what extent the current concept of selling cars in the showroom is still relevant. Your showroom starts online. Do you want to know more?