Online Valuation management - AutoDisk

Online Valuation management

Bidding directly on cars

AutoDisk Expiration Valuation is a new module in LeaseWise and is linked to various online auction tools. In this module, bids are received live. It is possible to activate and value a selection.  Valuation is done via AutoTelex web service.

AutoDisk Online Valuation Management enables the car dealers of your choice to bid directly on your discontinued cars. You can follow the entire bidding process and see a residual value proposal from both AutoDisk and Autotelex (linked to the license plate) on your screen as a reference. You can conduct negotiations and ultimately complete the sale through this application.

Limited number of traders

AutoDisk Valuation Management is created for customers who want to sell their car through a system that limits the number of bidders to the specified dealers. You can log in as a trader or as an administrator.

As a dealer you have the cars on offer that are linked to your name. The cars have an expiration time. You have this time frame to make an offer on this car. You will receive a message if your bid is selected. This informs you how the car can come into your possession.

As an administrator you have access to all the cars. These can be linked to a trader. You can quote the offered cars to the customer.

  • Own control over remarketing
  • Offer online
  • Good overview of expirations
  • Bid directly
  • Residual value proposition already linked
  • Expiration management optional in Leasewise
  • Connection to external auction houses possible

Questions about the Valuation Management module?

ExpiratieTaxatie offers the possibility of personal control over remarketing. Questions or more information? Alain is happy to answer your questions.