You are a fleetmanager
You want as little administrative effort as possible to manage your fleet and you also want to keep costs under control as much as possible. AutoDisk has developed various software solutions based on 30 years of automotive experience and can therefore always provide perfect assistance when building or implementing your own product.

Our software is among others, used by CRH, Van der Velden Rioleringstechniek, Voortman and ENGIE. Companies that manage their fleet externally also like to use our software: MobilityControl, Fleetcontrol Nederland and Trivium.
Our fleetmanager modules
With AutoDisk Calculeren you can quickly make a cost calculation for every available car. All necessary data is current thanks to daily updates. We also provide matters such as residual value, fleet owner discounts and ROB figures, although you can also arrange everything according to your own wishes.
CalculerenOnline Autoregeling
AutoDisk also has AutoDisk Online Autoregeling in which you can manage your company car agreement and mobility budgets. Your staff chooses a car within their category directly online, calculate their own contribution and subsequently place their order.
Online Autoregelinglicense plate recognition
AutoDisk provides all car information through license plate recognition. You will receive complete information about the historical price, curb weight, CO2 emissions, residual value, etc., including a photo of the car in question.
KentekenherkenningResidual value
The professional management and analysis of residual values is an important value for fleet management. The need for concrete figures and factual information is growing. More and more companies want to know how they perform in terms of residual value. Large fluctuations in residual values also pose a major financial risk. Nowadays, companies that are externally financed increasingly have to justify what they do, which increases the need for extensive management information.
RestwaardeOur fleetmanager modules
With AutoDisk Calculeren you can quickly make a cost calculation for every available car. All necessary data is current thanks to daily updates. We also provide matters such as residual value, fleet owner discounts and ROB figures, although you can also arrange everything according to your own wishes.
CalculerenAutoDisk also has AutoDisk Online Autoregeling in which you can manage your company car agreement and mobility budgets. Your staff chooses a car within their category directly online, calculate their own contribution and subsequently place their order.
Online AutoregelingAutoDisk provides all car information through license plate recognition. You will receive complete information about the historical price, curb weight, CO2 emissions, residual value, etc., including a photo of the car in question.
KentekenherkenningThe professional management and analysis of residual values is an important value for fleet management. The need for concrete figures and factual information is growing. More and more companies want to know how they perform in terms of residual value. Large fluctuations in residual values also pose a major financial risk. Nowadays, companies that are externally financed increasingly have to justify what they do, which increases the need for extensive management information.
RestwaardeDo you have any questions about fleet management solutions?
We have almost 30 years of experience with software. Do you want to know more?